Thursday 5 January 2012

The Greatest Gift = Healthy living - Spirit, Soul & Body
What do you think is the most incredible gift you could give to those you love the most,
to God and to yourself? A healthy you! If you are ready for a change in your health,
whether in your body, your mind or in the "health" of your relationship with God, now is 
the time for you to make progress in that area. God wants you healthy - now is the time
to believe Him for your breakthrough!
God can help you do something about it, but you must be willing to do it His way!!
Romans 12:1 "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of
God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties]
as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your 
reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship."
This verse does not only prompt us to lay down our lives for the sake of the Gospel or
making a sacrifice in the way to serve God. It also prompts us to make a "decisive 
dedication", which God calls "being devoted."
The word "devotion" can be defined as:
…The willingness to give up something in order to fully pursue something of greater value.
The value of our health - physical, emotional and spiritual - is sometimes not realized until
it seems too late. We consider a relationship with God to be of value, but sometimes only
after there is nowhere else to turn.
God accepts you as you are and where you are, and I am convinced that if we pursue
healthy living with the same passion and commitment that we pursue things like careers,
hobbies and entertainment, then we will see some amazing results that are life-changing,
not only for us, but also for those around us!
Being devoted to healthy living will cost you something - probably your pride to start with;
because you will have to let go of your "issues" and habits.
You will have to let go of your "moods" with which you manipulate others to feel sorry for
you. God will show you that you can be pitiful OR powerful, but not both!
You can either cherish your excuses, or you can let go of them and live in health and 
wholeness by making right choices and taking right actions. God really wants to help you 
to overcome EVERY area of insufficiency in you.
Jesus came to heal every part of you and me.
But He won't heal what we aren't willing to let go of, and seek His wisdom for!! Until we 
bring our whole heart - our whole life - to Him and give Him those secret places, we'll
continue to carry them ourselves.
The devil wants you to compromise. He wants you to stick with your excuses and bad 
choices. He doesn't want you to be physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy. He 
wants you to keep making bad choices that keep you "under your circumstances". But
we must be determined to resist him and diligent to learn how to change.
Being healthy doesn't happen by accident - all of your choices either invest in or gamble
with your health. Invest in your own health, and those of others, by praying and trusting 
God to heal you physically, emotionally and spiritually. No matter what you're suffering
from, GOD can and will get you through the trails you are experiencing and let you
emerge victorious, healed and able to testify about the power of God.
For those who diligently seek God, He always promises a great reward (Hebrews 11:6)
Please turn to GOD and start praying, and praising Him for your life, health and soul.

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